Friday 14 June 2013

How to use notificationbar while playing games on my android phone ?

Do you ever wish, if u can use your android notification bar, while playing a game or watching a movie in ur device!?

What'll happen, if your phone vibrates(new notification) while you are playing an interesting game or watching an awesome movie!? U really wanna check, what's ur new notification, right!? U may think like, "oh! Is that's a msg from my friends!?", "anyone add me in fb?" etc. :-P !!!? But at the same time, u dont wanna end your game, coz its too interesting and u r near to a win, right!?( lolz! I'll not blame u, coz once I face the same situation). Also how do you feel, if you end your game for checking the notification and that's an unwanted e-mail or a telemarketing sms  !?

kay, I'll help you to solve this crucial problem... :-P

Actually, it's really a simple trick... U dont need any skill's which need for rooting, overlocking or any other stuffs which are like that...!

All you need to do is.... download an app from playstore, which's named as SMART STATUSBAR (download link is here). This app will help you to use your notification bar, while you are playing games. Before you start to play the games, just enable the app (u can enable the auto start feature(start on boot), if you want), then you can use the notification bar while playing games (not only while playing games, but also in any other things, like watching movies,using some apps. etc). You can use it by swipe ur finger from the top of the screen to downwards (as usual). U can find a quick start up guide in that app, which'll help you to understand how can you use the app. You can adjust the sensitivity,timeout,swipe location etc and also you can find some other options too.

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